Noreen Kompanik Joins MilesGeek as Featured Columnist
Explore global destinations with travel writer Noreen Kompanik. Discover family travel tips, wine insights, and coastal adventures in her Coast to Coast column.

Noreen L. Kompanik has a degree in Registered Nursing and is a freelance writer and photographer based in San Diego, California. Fortunate to have lived overseas and in some wonderful U.S. locations as a Naval Officer’s wife, she has traveled extensively, and her many Italian and other European adventures have sparked her passion for cooking and wine tasting.

Noreen has two grown married children and two grandchildren – all who have the love to travel, just like Noreen. A member of ITWA (International Travel Writers and Photographers Association) and IFWTWA (International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association), Noreen is a frequent contributor to several online and print publications and a columnist for a California wine newsletter and national family travel publication.
Noreen’s first contribution to MilesGeek was Serenity by the Sea: Carmel’s Pastoral Mission Ranch. Noreen Kompanik will be sharing her future travel stories in her new MilesGeek column, Coast to Coast.

Her writing covers numerous U.S. and international topics such as inspirational travel, family travel, wine, food, healthy living, writing, and history. She shares her latest adventures, photos, and published stories on her What’s In Your Suitcase? Facebook page and is currently revamping her writer’s website.
With family members located on both coasts of the U.S., Noreen’s stories will cover a range of destinations, including Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, and wherever else the spirit of adventure leads.
MilesGeek readers can find Noreen’s column, Coast to Coast, in the drop down menu under the Featured tab on our home page.