Joan Young – Healthy Traveler MilesGeek Featured Writer
Joan Young, ITP survivor & PDSA founder, shares healthy travel strategies and wellness insights to thrive globally. Explore proven tips for vibrant journeys.

For Joan Young, there is her world before 1992 and her world after 1992, and the two are very different. In 1992 she was diagnosed with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), a debilitating autoimmune blood disease. Before her diagnosis, her time and energy revolved around being a single mom, getting an MBA, and advancing her computer career. After she became ill, struggled with seven failed treatments, and almost died, she knew she had to do things very differently to live long enough to see her grandchildren.

She began an intensive healing regimen. She changed her diet, experienced energy therapy, gained spiritual insights, and much more. These changes led to a remarkable recovery and a new perspective on life. She founded a non-profit disease support group, The Platelet Disorder Support Association (PDSA), wrote a book about her illness and recovery, and became a member of the American Society of Hematology.
Her life changes continue. Currently, she is an associate editor of the International Journal of User Driven Healthcare, writes web and social media content, and communicates online with physicians and patients worldwide. Her writing projects are only part of her life. Now semi-retired, Joan dances, skis, and spends time with friends and family, including grandchildren. She also visits many areas of the world, living healthy and traveling healthy. She looks forward to sharing her adventures and wellness knowledge with the readers at MilesGeek.
MilesGeek readers will be able to benefit from the knowledge that Joan has acquired about staying healthy when traveling as Joan Young joins MilesGeek as a regular contributor. Her first article for MilesGeek is The Power of Green. You will be able to find her column, The Healthy Traveler, under the Featured tab on the MilesGeek home page.
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