Eating Prague Launches New Beer Tour, Brews and Views

Experience Prague's beer culture with Brews and Views: expert-led tastings of Czech classics, craft brews, and scenic vistas. Adults-only culinary journey.

Eating Prague Launches New Beer Tour, Brews and Views

Brews and Views is Latest New Food Tour from Eating Europe

Prague, 14th July 2016: Some creative forces have been brewing this summer as Eating Prague Tours and beer expert and writer, Evan Rail, teamed up to create a new beer tour, Brews and Views, which will launch on July 19, 2016.

T-Anker Stop Brews and Views Tour

“When it comes to Czech beer there is nobody more knowledgeable than Evan Rail, which made developing this tour together with him such a thrill”, says Kenny Dunn, Managing Director of Eating Europe Tours, the parent company of Eating Prague. “He was hands on from the very beginning and his expertise has been invaluable in choosing the route, beers to sample, and vendors to feature on our tour”.

“Prague is one of the greatest cities in the world for beer lovers,” said Evan Rail, a long-term resident of Prague and regular contributor to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Beer Advocate magazine, among other publications. “I had a blast working with Eating Prague to create a tour that shows off some of the best beer, food and pubs in the Czech capital today.”

Scotch eggs in Maso a Kobliha

Eating Prague’s first beer tour, “Brews and Views”, will take guests from the greenery of Letná Park’s beer garden to Pípa, a stylish new pub and bottle shop which features some 160 beers in bottles. Beer lovers will sample everything from the country’s most common variety, Gambrinus to heavier dark lagers, the famous pilsner and craft beers while learning about the more than 1000-year old history of Czech beer. The samples  The tour is a feast for all senses with stunning views across the city of 100 spires and plenty of cultural and culinary information about the neighbourhoods the tour winds through.

I enjoyed Eating Europe’s culinary tour, Eating Amsterdam in January and Eating London in May. I am looking forward to trying the Brews and Views Tours, in addition to the Eating Florence Food tours announced earlier this year.

Brews and Views Tours run Tuesday to Saturday, 2.30pm to 6pm, €65 adults only.

Eating Europe is offering a discount code for MilesGeek readers. It can be used for 10% off of any of their tours through 2017, for new bookings only.